Colvend & Southwick Community Council would like to send its appreciation to all those who helped make Saturday’s co-ordinated events so successful. The weather certainly helped and the Makers Market and Philippa Sinclair’s Spring Fling event benefited from the crowds. The Colvend Family Gala on Colvend Recreation Field, was a huge success.

Special thanks go to the Dumfries & Galloway Stewartry Area Committee & Dalbeattie District Lions for sponsorship. Highlights of the 4 1/2 hour event featured music from David Lennon followed by the Dumfries Town Band. Children’s entertainment included archery with Threave Bowmen, children’s sports, a bouncy castle and the Dalbeattie Fire Engine. Interesting visiting stalls were provided by Dalbeatte Lions Club, the SCAMP project, Nith Catchment Fisheries Trust, and the Solway Forests Red Squirrel Network.

Refreshments included a barbecue and Roans Dairy milk-shake Udder Bar.

A major display of 12 explanatory panels was provided to explain the Colvend & Southwick Draft Local Place Plan, as part its consultation process and residents were invited to provide feedback.

The event was concluded with the ever popular “Inter-Village” Tug of War. As usual this was won by Rockcliffe, although they were subsequently beaten by the children’s team!

Thanks are also due to all those volunteers who spent Friday & Sunday erecting marquees and taking

down the very soggy and slightly wind-damaged tentage!

- by Simon Pain