Spring / Summer Tidelines 2024 is now available online

Read all about the new branding of the Solway Coast National Landscape;  how the CLEARcoasts Project is advancing restoration efforts in the Solway, and how the Biosphere has become Blue!  There is also news on the final outputs from the More Positive Action for a Cleaner Solway project and some great images from the Kirkcudbright Botany Group.

Hard copies will be distributed around the Solway at usual locations or download here

If you have a topic of interest that you would like to contribute to a future edition of Tidelines please let us know - info@solwayfirthpartnership.co.uk 

World Oceans Day 2024

The 8th June is World Oceans Day and this year Solway Firth Partnership will be celebrating our marine environment at Port Logan between 12 noon and 3:00pm.

Join us on a beach clean and find out where the plastic comes from (you will be surprised), learn about the amazing variety of seaweeds growing beneath the waves or take part in a guided wildlife ramble - there will be something for everyone.

Jim and Pauline will be available to reveal all about seashore shells and Freelance Ranger Elizabeth will be running activities for the young and the young at heart!

Solway Firth Partnership looks forward to meeting you at Port Logan at the Main Beach Car Park at the entrance to Port Logan Fish Pond.

All the activities are FREE and are part of the Rhins of Galloway Coast Path celebrations.

Rhins Coast Route Visits

A series of guided visits to coast have been planned to put a spotlight on the range of cultural and natural heritage on our door step.

As the Rhins of Galloway Coast Path nears completion the walks will celebrate the improved access by visiting the shore with expert guides including a botanist and an archaeologist. From amazing spring flowers at Corsewall Point and Portpatrick to the consolidated broch near Ardwell Bay and recent surveys at the Mull of Galloway there is so much to discover. A free minibus from Stranraer will take participants to the walk start.

Booking is essential through the links below.

25th May - Minibus visit to Corsewall Point with a botanist book here

1st June - Minibus visit to Mull of Galloway with archaeologist book here

15th June - Visit Portpatrick with a botanist book here

23rd June - Minibus visit the broch at Ardwell Bay with archaeologist book here

The route has been made possible with the National Lottery Heritage Fund and managed by Dumfries and Galloway Council. 

Dates For the diary

Saturday 18 May 2024
Beach Clean at Mawbray Banks 
Join John Gorrill for one of his regular clean-ups
All details on SFP diary here

Until Saturday 3 July 2024
Art Exhibition at WWT Caerlaverock 
Visit the 'Colours of Nature' Exhibition by Sandra Jaekel of Bothyart 
More information 

Sandra Jaekel of Bothyart


Sunday 2 June 2024
Beach Clean at St Mary's Isle
Joint event with Kirkcudbright Canoe Club
All details on SFP diary here

Further upcoming beach cleans can be found on our website here

Why not have a look at the SFP and Projects social media pages?

Solway Firth Partnership Website