Colvend Primary School

In the centre of Colvend, diagonally across the road from the Colvend Public Hall, Colvend shop and the Treats and Eats Cafe is Colvend Primary School. It is a small, rural school that serves the villages of Colvend, Rockcliffe, Kippford, Sandyhills and Caulkerbush and has some 26 pupils. Jane Alexander is the Partnership head teacher and the school has an active and enthusiastic Parent Council.  The Partnership is the Colvend, Kirkgunzeon and Palnackie Primary Schools.

The School Handbook provides a comprehensive guide to the school and a Council Website outlines the facilities and has links to other information.

Just published is the CPK Small Schools Partnership Newsletter and you can read it by following the link on the right of this page.

The School Handbook